unlock your pre-teens greatest potential. how?

The issue middle schoolers face may seem small to us, yet immense to our pre-teens:

Issues like: No Friends, Low Motivation, Lack of Confidence, No Goals…..

And of course, you worry. You stay up late thinking what happened to your happy baby, and what will happen if these issues are not “fixed.”


“My daughter really struggled to make friends and participate in sports before we decided to work with Paul. 3 months later, she is confident, has a great friend group, joined a sports team AND tried out for a part in the school theatre group! Her confidence has increased dramatically”! A.R., Parent of Laura

But How Do We Positively Impact Your Pre-Teen?

1. By Removing Limiting Beliefs
2. By Clarifying Their Desires
3. By Setting Achievable Goals

The reason I have such success coaching pre-teens is because of my ability to help them calm themselves, set, pursue, and accomplish tangible, reachable goals.

I do not believe in a magical pill. This is a process and its a process that takes a little time and commitment.

I will direct and guide them to focus on the one thing that produces growth, excitement, and motivation, and that is the acronym:


Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound GOALS

Now I have a Challenge for You:

1) As the process begins, watch how your Pre-Teen’s attitude, emotions change as they shift their focus from “I’m a failure with problems” to “I can accomplish things that are exciting and I know how to begin!”

2) Watch how your child’s understanding of “why” they want something become increasingly important. Middle Schoolers are extremely susceptible to negative peer pressure. Until they understand their own personal “why”. Understanding their “why” will help them learn more about themselves and their values.

3) As my sessions continue, watch as their motivation increases and they begin to take action towards their very achievable goals.

“My son did not try hard in 5th or 6th grade. He thought school was a waste of time. I enlisted Paul Zeidan’s help and within weeks he actually helped him become more motivated about school. My only regret is wishing I had help sooner. By the end of 2nd semester, I received emails from teachers raving about the change in my son’s performance!” Parent, R.W.

To get started as your coach:

You can contact through a phone call, email, or a 30-minute free in-person consultation, allowing you to provide an overview of your situation and to discuss my services.

  1. I will gather essential information about your family and your child/teen, understanding the challenges they face, their age, school details, and any existing assessments.

  2. I will then communicate my counseling approach, specialization, and methods transparently. We will discuss availability, fees, and logistical details. If your child’s challenges fall outside of my expertise, I'll assist you with appropriate referrals.

  3. We will also discuss confidentiality, detailing how information will be shared within the family and with other relevant parties. Emphasizing the importance of open communication and the family's role in the coaching process.

  4. Once we reach an agreement, obtaining informed consent from parents or guardians to ensure understanding of our goals, potential risks, and benefits.

  5. We will then commence our sessions addressing the teen's needs and collaborating with the family to develop a comprehensive treatment plan outlining specific interventions and goals.

  6. We will also schedule periodic meetings with the family to discuss progress, adjust goals as needed, and address any concerns or questions that may arise during the coaching process.