coaching your teenager:

Let me guess……You’re worried about your Teen, You try to speak with them, But you just wind up telling them about what life was like when you were a teenager. Enjoy those eye rolls?

You May even seek counsel with your friends but they just wind up telling you how difficult life is with their own Teens.

So now you don’t feel heard, you don’t feel understood And now You’re feeling frustrated.

You know, in your heart and mind, that your teenager has so much potential.

they’re so smart, funny, and hard working!

BUT There’s something holding your Teenager back.

1) You Are Right to be Concerned because The teen years are critical.

2) this is when they build their foundations for a successful adulthood.

3) yes, You Absolutely Can Do Something! its not too late!

“At first I did not understand why my mom hired Paul. It wasn’t until I had my first session that I realized that having a good coach is so important. Paul helped me see things differently. There were things that were stopping me from doing my best. Before meeting with Paul Z, I didn’t participate in any clubs or after school activities. I didn’t even try when it came to school work and I definitely didn’t try to make any new friends. I can say it now, but I was sad and unmotivated BUT after speaking with Paul, I realized things that I didn’t before and within a few weeks, I was able to overcome my feelings that were negative about myself. Things started to improve in my life. Now, I play lacrosse, I have a positive, fun friend group, and I have teachers that are proud of me! Even better is I’m happier when I’m with my family.”

B. H. ,14-year-old HS freshman

So How Do I Do It? How Do I reach your teen?

1) Goal Setting: Within the first couple of sessions, I have my teen clients set a real intention: In essence, “What Do You Want?” An intention is a direction. It is the ability to see a destination or where they want to be or who they want to be. When someone sets an intention, they are giving instructions to their mind to focus all energy towards a particular destination/goal. Examples: I want to excel at a sport, I want to get my gpa up.

2) Then We Create an Action Plan: Let’s use a simple road trip as an analogy: A) How will we map out this trip? B) What are some places we can stop on the way? C) What road will we take to finally reach the destination? The action plan is the step by step instructions to get to the destination or goal. We make plans that will include a few bumps in the road ,which are inevitable.

3) We Create a Timeline: How long will it take to get what you want, experience your desire and turn your hope into a reality? I focus them on how long it will take and what will hinder or help our timeline? We make plans for hurdles too. I will monitor their progress and celebrate them. I will also hold them accountable when they veer off course.

Lets be clear. The average teenager does not have attainable, reachable goals because they aren’t wired for that complexity. No, instead, they have WANTS< DESIRES<IDEAS<DREAMS.

My coaching will turn those Wants, Desires, Ideas, Dreams into actual GOALS. Isn’t that our purpose?

When Teenagers have Reachable, Attainable Goals, it increases their likelihood of achieving their WANTS, DESIRES, IDEAS and DREAMS.