Laura C. 12th grade
Working with Mr. Zeidan has been a game-changer for me. I was going through a tough time emotionally, and I honestly didn't know where to turn. From our very first conversation, Mr. Z made me feel like my words matter to someone. It wasn't just about addressing the immediate issues; it was about understanding the root causes and helping me get through them.
Family Testimonial
Paul Zeidan's advocacy extended beyond the administrative aspects; Paul took the time to get to know our teen and understand the strengths and challenges he faced. His personalized approach made a significant difference in the effectiveness of his work. The result was a workable, doable plan implemented by the school. Paul’s plan/agreement with the school challenged my son and yet gave him the needed opportunity to succeed. Highly recommend Paul Zeidan!!
Alli S. College freshman
I can honestly say that because of Paul Zeidan's guidance, I've not only overcome some real emotional challenges but I also developed a stronger sense of self esteem and confidence in myself. I feel better equipped to handle whatever comes my way after high school. But I also know that I can contact him to ask a question or schedule a session. I'm so grateful and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Paul's services to anyone going through difficult times."
Mr. Zeidan’s dedication to his craft resulted in only positive outcomes for our child. The support he provided went beyond what we could have imagined. Our family as a whole, is now in a much better place, and our teenager is thriving with all of the appropriate resources and accommodations in place. Thank you, thank you thank you.
Family of M.S.
I began my mentorship with Mr. Zeidan by meeting with him and getting the description of what it takes to be a special education teacher. The information he gave me was nothing short of overwhelming and stunning in its scope. I thought to myself, “I don’t belong here”. Throughout the entire time period I was with Mr Zeidan I became immersed into his world. Seeing him navigate a classroom, the emotional conflicts within a school day, grading, lesson plans and attending meetings was dizzying. But somehow he did it and ended most days with a smile and humor. When he told me to prepare a lesson to teach his class I was floored. He actually empowered me and gave me so much confidence as he allowed me the privilege of teaching kids. And what a privilege it was. Paul Zeidan is a natural teacher and leader and he made me love my decision to become an educator and for that, I will never forget him.
E. B.
When I first arrived at Briarcliff Manor High School I was eager to start my student teaching where I was told that for me to fulfill my Special Education portion of my student teaching I would need to work with someone very experienced in the field. I was then paired with Paul Zeidan who was described as ‘the most experienced special educator in the high school”. When I first met Paul, his first order of business was creating a clear, concise plan and goals for me during our time together. This was complicated by confusion from my university but Paul was on the phone with them clearing things up. I was watching a leader at work! Paul is a very flexible person and as I continued working him my university program required some actual teaching time. Protocol was a few minutes of a lesson per week. Paul took it further. he allowed me an entire period to teach. He gave me that privilege several times and before I knew it, I was immersed. Paul Zeidan opened my eyes and cemented the fact that I loved my decision to become an educator. Issues always arose and every single time I faced a challenge, I never hesitated to talk things over with him. He knew instinctively what to say or do in almost every situation.
In all Having Mr. Paul Zeidan as a mentor and someone to reach out to has been an inspiration. great time for me at BHS. Paul Zeidan is simply the best.
Adler Molla
Student Teacher in 2022 and now a certified SPED teacher all due to Mr. Paul Zeidan
More Success stories….
“My high school senior with an IEP was anxious about the whole college application process. Mr. Zeidan walked us through the entire process from transitioning S. from an IEP to a 504 complete with all of the accommodations she would need. Paul helped us research schools with outstanding special services and even made the calls for us to ensure it would be a seamless transition. Paul then role played as a professor to strengthen S’ advocacy for herself. He also showed us how to register for class and explained how to put together a good schedule. S was immediately at ease when we visited. She was more than prepared for college all thanks to Paul Zeidan’s diligence and hard work.
** Update, S is in her 2nd year of school and she is successful, confident and joining clubs! We are overjoyed that she’s having a great college experience after 2 years! Thank you!
My 15 year old child was diagnosed as ODD with emotional struggles. He was outgoing but often inappropriate at school and home to the point that he was being ostracized which compounded his issues. When we contacted Paul for intervention, he put us at ease. He truly is the ‘teen whisperer” in that he just understands even the most troubled kids! Paul helped us understand that some conflict is developmentally appropriate and after a few sessions of getting to really know Chris, he gave us some real insight and confidence in how to help Chris deal with his emotions. Paul always gave Chris positive encouragement, teaching him positive ways to cope with stress and the anxiety that would lead to outbursts. Within a few weeks there was a noticeable difference in Chris where he would actually want to speak with us about how he was feeling well before he would act out. Even his teachers and principal told us they saw a difference. Today Chris has a part time job helping kids and he is a more confident, at ease young man. All thanks to Paul Zeidan. I can’t recommend him enough!
To start, Paul always had a reputation for reaching any kid, literally any kid. And then there was my Jack. Jack was adopted at a young age and he had a turbulent young life with me, a single parent. He struggled with academic performance, and often found himself in trouble with school authorities and even the local police knew his name. We sought out Paul based on a recommendation and after a brief overview of what was happening, he jumped in to help. Instead of simply addressing the surface-level issues and problems, Paul delved into understanding the root causes of Jack’s behavior. He spent hours listening to him, being patient and non-judgemental and eventually gaining his trust, and uncovering his interests and passions. We found out that he loved art and creating short films! Recognizing this as a potential outlet for his emotions, Paul encouraged him to join the art club and film club at school. Paul also worked closely with his teachers and the administration to implement a personalized learning plan that accommodated his learning style and addressed his academic struggles. It took some time but Jack went from angry and anxious and secluded to a boy with friends who share things in common! We are now looking at film schools after he graduates high school! We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Paul Zeidan, that much is certain. Thank you Paul!
Our 8th grader was diagnosed with dysgraphia as well as very low processing. All of this was affecting his education. We initially asked for interventions within the school but we were met with hurdles, bureaucratic issues and we simply weren’t prepared for what we were facing. We hired Paul to look at E’s diagnosis and to help us come up with a plan that included accommodations and assistive technology that would ‘level the playing field’ such that E could learn and be successful. Paul explained to us the complicated process of special education system and the differences between a 504 and IEP. He explained goals and the data that would be collected to track progress. It was a real education for us and his approach was confident and kind but with a quiet ferocity. At one point he told the committee that our goal was E’s success and after getting some pushback, Paul cited special education law and the our rights as well as the responsibility of the school to adequately educate our child. It was simply amazing. We couldn’t have done it without Paul’s preparation, experience and guidance. We continue to work with Paul as he monitors E from middle school to high school and beyond!
Working with Paul Z at a school where abused and neglected kids were adjudicated by the court system was an experience I’ll never forget. This special act school supported kids with so much trauma and yet we had to educate and help them despite the numerous challenges. One particular student had tremendous struggles. Violent outbursts, apathy, numerous behavioral issues all stemming from childhood trauma that we couldn’t possibly fathom. Paul was the only one who could teach her. He set boundaries with her in class. She fought him tooth and nail nearly every day, but he continued to treat her with respect and more boundaries and consequences. It was a sight to see and I’m not sure where he found the patience and strength. Near the halfway point in the school year “A” found out her mother died and the only person she would let comfort her was Paul. He even attended the funeral with her. We were expecting her behavioral issues to spiral out of control but she felt safe and secure with her teacher despite their prickly past. “A” found an ally in Paul and with the tough love that he gave her she began to progress. I remember hearing him tell her how she can reinvent herself whenever she wants and that her past didn’t have to define her future. She clearly took that to heart. “A” graduated from that school, began taking classes at a fashion school in NYC and now has a thriving clothing store. She’s married with children of her own living as normal a life as one could expect from someone with her past trauma. I have so many more stories like that. That’s Paul. He just does it.
Being mentored by Paul Zeidan, a teacher and counselor with so many years of experience has been an invaluable experience for me as a college student and future educator. Simply put, his wealth of knowledge and expertise in guiding troubled youths has given me a unique insight into the complexities of adolescent development and special education. Something a classroom just can’t provide.
When he took me on as a mentor, Paul considered not only my academic performance but also my internal and external motivations. He always asked me, ‘remember why you’re doing this, always!” It became my mantra and still is.
Through the year of Paul’s guidance, I've witnessed a positive transformation in my personal perspective and approach to the challenges in reaching youths. The mentorship also emphasized the importance of understanding my role and responsibilities in both my academic journey and personal life.
Also Paul’s extensive background in working with troubled youths has given me a unique perspective into their lives. Working with Paul has been so rewarding, professionally and personally. He has been a supportive and empowering force, guiding me through the college experience and preparing me for the journey ahead. If I achieve any success in this field, it will be due to Paul Zeidan’s tutelage.
Zach M.